Young Adults


Our mission is to engage in meaningful relationship with other young adults as we grow in our faith journeys. Our community is welcoming, inclusive, and celebrates the dignity of all people. Through worship, education, service, and fellowship, we strive to express the love of God made known in Jesus Christ.

Young Adult Study Group: We meet on monthly basis to learn and grow together. We have read and discussed many books on faith the life, including What is the Bible? by Rob Bell and Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evens. We usually meet at a local restaurant or tap room. Check out the events page to find out more about our next meeting.

5th Sunday Mission: on 5th Sundays MCC folks gather to put our hands to work to offer the love of Christ in our community. There are several options of service to choose from and our young adults are leading the way in serving the community around us. We invite you to join us in ministry and mission at MCC.


Regional Young Adult Retreat: Each January we gather with other young adults from Alabama and Northwest Florida for a weekend of worship, study, prayer and team building. If you would like more information about this retreat fill out the form below: