Madison Christian Church Narrative Budget

Our Narrative Budget tells the story of our commitment to the mission and ministry of Christ. You can read our 2022 Narrative Budget by clicking HERE.

You may make your pledge to our annual stewardship campaign by completing this form:
**(your form will be submitted directly to our Financial Secretary)

Getting Started with Generosity


For people who have never practiced tithing and feel that it would be too difficult to start giving 10% of their income, we suggest starting small and working your way up to it. A simple plan could look something like this:

Month 1-3: Give 1% of your income
Month 4-6: Give 3% of your income
Month 7-9: Give 5% of your income
Month 10-11: Give 7% of your income
Month 12: Give 10% of your income

Weekly Giving Guide

Understanding the percentage method of giving is a way to to grow in your practice of financial stewardship. The Giving Guide lists income by year/month/week and the corresponding weekly percentage gift. The chart lists 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%, and 15% in a range of annual income from $18,000 to $225,000. You can quickly identify your place on the scale and see what your weekly stewardship gift might look like.